Why Wall of Prayer?
A single square mile of land located within the Old City Walls of Jerusalem is considered to be the Holiest place on earth by 3 world religions, and more than half of the people on the planet. This is the place where Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice, where King David ruled, and where God’s presence filled the Temple, residing with His people. It is where Jesus was both crucified and resurrected, and where He is prophesied to return and rule. It is truly the “City of God”.
Yet throughout history, this land has been conquered more than any other area on earth, with a history of bloodshed and conflict. For my entire lifetime there has been tension, strife and war in the Middle East. President after President, other countries, and the UN alike have tried to bring peace between Israel and the Palestinians, yet all have failed. But where Men and Women fail, God can triumph.

As a husband and father of three beautiful children, I couldn’t imagine raising my family in an area, where at any minute the next missile could land in my backyard. And no matter the circumstances of the conflict, we know that God can do the unimaginable, especially when it’s something that He desires in His own heart, as He reveals to us in Zechariah, and throughout scripture.

God ordains us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. He doesn’t ask us to do it, or say it would be nice if we did from time to time, but simply says “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”. God also tells us over and over throughout the scriptures that when we pray with faith, consistency, and according to His will, He can accomplish the miraculous.
And so this became our mission: to rally God’s people to fervently and consistently pray with great faith for the peace of Jerusalem, Israel and all who live there; to bring about the desires, not of our own hearts, but of His.

As people join Wall of Prayer, they are assigned exact and unique latitude and longitude coordinates somewhere on the Israel border, and are given a digital certificate which includes their coordinates along with a photograph and description of the surrounding area. They then begin receiving daily prayer reminders which include a verse, prayer, modern day images of different places, cities and regions in Israel, helping bring the Holy Land to life as it is studied in God’s word.
Out goal is to create a wall of 3.8 million people, with coordinates 1 foot apart, surrounding the entire border of Israel, praying for peace, protection and blessings for all who live there.
Will you join us?