“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

As we conclude our journey through the pivotal chapters of Israel’s history, we reach moments that have not only shaped the nation but have also profoundly impacted the global tapestry of cultures and religions.

333 BC: The landscape of power shifts as the Greeks conquer the Persian Empire.

323 BC: The baton of control passes to the Egyptian and Syrian empires, bringing Israel under their dominion.

167 BC: A significant turn of events as the Hasmoneans recapture Israel, ushering in a period of independent Jewish rule.

70 BC: The Romans conquer Israel

20 BC: King Herod’s era is marked by architectural marvels, notably the construction of the “second” Temple.

6 BC: Jesus Christ is born in Bethlehem

70 AD: The destruction of the Temple by the Romans.

Following these events, the land saw a succession of rulers: Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Crusaders. Through each epoch, the Jewish people maintained their presence in Israel. Their numbers waxed and waned through the centuries, yet they never ceased to inhabit the land, build their communities, and practice their faith. This resilience and enduring faith sustains them, even to this day.

In 1948, a historic resolution by the United Nations established the State of Israel, marking a new chapter for the Jewish nation. This moment was not the beginning, but a continuation of the millennia-long connection between God’s chosen people and their land.

Please continue to pray and request God’s protection and intervention for Israel and all of its people.