“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12)

Dear Friends on the Wall of Prayer, John 14:12 holds a special place in my heart as one of the most empowering scriptures in the New Testament. Christ assures us that belief in Him not only empowers us to continue His works but also to accomplish even greater deeds. In these troubling times of war, our fervent prayers for Israel’s protection and blessing are indeed among these greater works. Also, our prayers for the fulfillment of His end-time purposes for Israel align with the extraordinary acts He calls us to perform.

Today, I challenge you: seek guidance from God on how you might contribute to greater works in support of our Jewish brothers and sisters. What additional steps can you take to stand with Israel and make a meaningful difference?