Our Story
In 2015 C. Johnston had a vision of God’s people from around the world praying in unison for the protection and peace of Israel. He envisioned people having unique latitude and longitude coordinates on the Israel border that they would pray over on a daily basis. C. wasn’t sure how he would bring this vision into reality but had faith that God would make a way. Over the next three years, the Lord led us one-by-one into C’s orbit and placed a vision and mission on our hearts that was undeniable. Fast forward to today, and we have grown into a team of business, technology, creative and marketing professionals who are trying to follow God’s calling and use our gifts to serve Him. We hope that you share our vision and join us as we pray for peace in the middle east.
Our Logo
Our logo represents our mission of covering the Holy Land with prayer. The flame in the middle of the logo represents the Holy Land, where God appeared to Moses in the burning bush and where His Spirit in the form of smoke filled the Temple. The U shape around the flame represents the wall of prayers surrounding the Holy Land. Our colors come from the same color palette as the colors used in the Tent of the Meeting, where God’s spirit dwelt. The color blue representing Heaven, purple representing Royalty and Red representing Man and Sacrifice.
Wall of Prayer – Presented by the John 3:16 Ministry
The Greatest scripture in the Bible is John 3:16, this is merely according to me. I am the co-founder and president of Judea Harvest, a Great Commission Ministry functioning primarily in Africa bringing in a Great Harvest for our Lord Jesus Christ during the past 23 years. The mission statement of Judea Harvest is to mobilize, equip and resource God’s laborers to gather His great end time Harvest. To date, we have planted more than 10,000 churches in Southern Africa with our tent church planting strategy as well as more than 15,000 House Churches in Muslim-majority countries in West Africa with our John Journey (John 3:16) strategy.
It is through this background and with a wealth of experience that we are planning to launch the John 3:16 Family and Movement in the USA. John 3:16 is part of God’s grand design and plan to mobilize American Christians to engage in prayer, evangelism, discipleship, home church planting, and giving in order to gather the end time Harvest. John three sixteen will get millions of American Christians of the pavilions and pews and get them in the game, according to Mr C Johnston. The John Journey movement’s dream has been birthed many years ago in the hearts of a diversity of men of God for a time like this. Mr C Johnson, Pastor Hansie Henning and Dr. Louis Blom have been carrying and developing the John 3:16 vision for many years. Judea Harvest is already implementing many aspects of the John Journey very successfully.
If you would like more information about us, have ideas, or wish to partner with us, please contact us at: info@wallofprayer.org.